盜賊遺產是一款像素畫面的動作冒險類游戲,遊戲中你將扮演一名身穿鎧甲,拿著大劍的武士前往神秘的城堡中探險。 在這個陰森古怪的古堡中你要面對來自各方面的挑戰,利用你的機智解開謎題,打敗強大的敵人。 通過積累經驗升級來學習各種強大的技能,遊戲的內容非常豐富。 下面是本作的中文獎杯列表。
Ergophobia (恐刷症)Earn every other trophy.獲得其他全部獎杯
Atelophobia (恐缺症)Choose a hero with no traits.選擇一個沒有特性的英雄
Aurophilia (戀金癖)Open your very first gold chest.打開第一個金寶箱
Barophobia (恐高症)Use the special class at least once.使用一次特殊種族
Bibliophilia (戀書癖)Read the last journal entry.讀完所有的日記
Biophobia (恐生症)Die 20 times or more.死亡20次以上
Cainotophilia (戀新癖)Have one rune equipped in every item slot.在所有的裝備插槽上添加符文
Coulrophilia (戀醜癖)Beat one of the clown's games at least once.完成一次小丑的遊戲
Decidophobia (恐選症)Put at least one point in every skill in the manor.在領地給所有的技能加點
Disposophobia (恐置症)Find all blueprints (purchase not necessary).找到所有的設計圖
Gnosiophilia (戀知癖)Find all the runes (purchase not necessary).找到所有的符文
Gymnophobia (恐裸症)Have one piece of equipment in every item slot.在每個裝備欄裝上裝備
Plutophobia (恐富症)Reach level 50 or higher.升到50級以上
Rhabdophilia (戀虐癖)Earn your very first Enchantress rune.獲得第一個女巫符文
Somniphobia (恐睡症)Play the game for at least 20 hours.遊戲時間超過20小時
Ommetaphobia (恐眼症)Defeat the boss in Castle Hamson.擊敗Hamson城堡的boss
Phasmophobia (恐鬼症)Defeat the boss in the Forest Abkhazia.擊敗Abkhazia森林的boss
Pyrophobia (恐火症)Defeat the boss in the Maya.擊敗Maya的boss
Blennophobia (恐黏症)Defeat the boss in the Land of Darkness.擊敗黑暗之地的boss
Paterphobia (恐祖症)Defeat the last boss.擊敗最後的boss
Zoophobia (恐獸症)Defeat all the minibosses.擊敗所有的小boss
Geminiphobia (恐雙症)Beat the game… twice.完成兩次遊戲
Syngenesophobia (恐親症)Defeat the brothers.擊敗兄弟
Chemophobia (恐化症)Defeat the trademarked chemical.擊敗帶商標的化學品
Ostiophobia (恐骨症)Defeat the son.擊敗兒子
Scotomaphobia (恐盲症)Defeat the doppleganger.擊敗模仿怪
Astrophobia (恐星症)Defeat the asteroids.擊敗小行星
Katagelasticism (戀嘲症)Mock the traitor.嘲諷那個叛徒
Thanatophobia (恐死症)WITHOUT using the Architect, complete the game dying 15 times or less在不使用建築的情況下,死亡15次以內完成遊戲
Alektorophobia (恐雞症)Kill a chicken.殺死一隻雞