バイオハザード HDリマスター
biohazard HD Remaster
Platinum Splattin' 'Em!(白金獎杯)Earn all trophies. 獲得所有獎杯 |
Like Taking Candy from a Baby (就像對嬰兒說有糖吃)Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher.在「Very Easy」或更高難度下通關
Not in the Mood to Die (死的心情都沒有)Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher.在「Easy」或更高難度下通關
Take that, Zombies! (喪屍,接著)Finish the game on Normal difficulty or higher.在「Normal」或更高難度下通關
Oh, the Horror (哦,真恐怖)Finish the game on Hard difficulty.在「Hard」難度下通關
We're in This Together (我們在一起)Finish the game with Jill and Chris.同吉爾和克里斯一起通關
The Survival Horror (生存恐怖)Finish the game in Real Survival mode.在Real Survival模式下通關
Ghost of a Chance (鬼也有機會)Finish the game in Invisible Enemy mode.在Invisible Enemy模式下通關
Not Just Any Object (不只是徽章)Obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris.用克里斯獲得「石頭和金屬徽章」
Herbicide (除草劑)Defeat Plant 42 using Chris.用克里斯干掉42號植物
Written Word is Dead (寫下遺書)Obtain the "Last Book Vol. 2" using Chris.用克里斯獲得「最後之書Vol.2」
An End to a Poor Girl's Misery (終結了可憐女孩的痛苦)Defeat Lisa Trevor using Chris.用克里斯干掉女性實驗體麗莎
You da Man, Chris (真男人,克里斯)Finish the game using Chris.用克里斯通關
Grave Digger (掘墓人)Defeat a Crimson Head prototype1 using Jill.用吉爾幹掉狂暴喪屍「原型1」
The Key Master (鑰匙大師)Obtain the Helmet Key using Jill.用吉爾獲得頭盔形鑰匙
Giant Snake Got Nothin' (巨蟒不足掛齒)Defeat Yawn using Jill.用吉爾幹掉巨蟒
Where the Magic Happens (奇蹟在哪發生)Break into the laboratory using Jill.用吉爾闖進實驗室
Alpha Team's Finest (阿爾法隊花)Finish the game using Jill.用吉爾通關
Get Used To It (學會習慣吧)Die for the first time.第一次死掉
First Kills Are Special (首殺是特別的)Defeat a zombie.幹掉一個喪屍
Not Taking Any Chances (你沒機會了)Burn up a zombie.燒死一隻喪屍
Who's the Hunter Now? (現在誰是獵殺者?)Defeat a Hunter.幹掉一個獵殺者
Bravo, Rebecca (幹得漂亮,瑞貝卡)Save Chris using Rebecca.用瑞貝卡救助克里斯
What a Great Guy (老好人)Save Jill using Barry.用巴瑞救助吉爾
Delaying the Inevitable (在劫難逃)Save Richard with a serum.用血清治療理查德
That Was Nice of You (對你來說很不錯)Save Rebecca from a Hunter.從獵殺者手上救出瑞貝卡
Trust Him (相信他)Save Barry from Lisa Trevor.從女性實驗體麗莎手上救出巴瑞
Sorry I Made You Wait (讓你等我很抱歉)Save Jill from confinement using Chris.用克里斯從監獄中救出吉爾
Sorry About the Wait (抱謙讓你久等了)Save Chris from confinement using Jill.用吉爾從監獄中救出克里斯
The Nightmare Ends (夢魘結束了)Finish the game saving Rebecca and Jill using Chris.用克里斯通關的時候救了瑞貝卡和吉爾
I'm a Member of STARS (我是STARS的一員)Finish the game saving Chris and Barry using Jill.用吉爾通關的時候救了克里斯和巴瑞
Every Man for Himself (每一個男人都很自私)Finish the game without saving anyone using Chris.用克里斯通關的時候不救任何人
Every Woman for Herself (每一個女人都很自私)Finish the game without saving anyone using Jill.用吉爾通關的時候不救任何人
Seeing Red (看到紅色)Defeat a Crimson Head.幹掉一個狂暴喪屍
Not Waiting to Exhale (刻不容緩)Survive your first encounter with Yawn.第一次幹掉大蟒蛇
Deep Sixed (海葬)Defeat mother Neptune.幹掉海王鯊
Spider Sense (蜘蛛感)Defeat Black Tiger.幹掉黑虎蜘蛛
Don't Stop Running (跑起來別停下)Finish the game in three hours. 3小時以內通關
Racing and Pacing (疲於奔命)Finish the game in five hours. 5小時以內通關
CQC FTW (近身格鬥贏家)Finish the game using only your knife (no lighter, Defensive Items, and stomping zombie heads).只用小刀通關(禁止使用打火機、防禦武器和踩爆喪屍的頭)
Ink is for Squids (一氣呵成)Finish the game without saving.不存檔通關
Break Out the Marshmallows! (一箭雙雕)Burn up two zombies at the same time with the lighter.用打火機同時燒死兩隻喪屍
Starsenal (軍火庫)Obtain all weapons (must load grenade launcher with all shell types).獲得所有武器(包括所有類型的榴彈發射器)
Passion for Fashion (激情時尚)Obtain all costumes.獲得所有服裝
Every Nook and Cranny (每一個角落)Visit all places on all maps.踏遍了地圖上的每一個角落