Red Steel 2 [RD2E41]

infinite cash after getting cash [wiiztec]
C279BD7C 00000002
3FE03B9A 3BFF143B
93E40084 00000000

gun upgrade cosmetic effects modifier [wiiztec]
C26B7EB8 00000015
2C1800FF 41820098
5775843E 2C150019
4182008C 2C15001C
41820084 2C170001
4182007C 3E208000
2C1B0000 40820014
80115B70 2C00000F
41820058 48000058
2C1B0001 40820014
80115B74 2C00000F
41820040 48000040
2C1B0002 40820014
80115B78 2C00000F
41820028 48000028
2C1B0003 40820014
80115B7C 2C00000F
41820010 48000010
80115B80 48000014
800302AC 90115B80
48000008 800302AC
60000000 00000000
04005B70 00000OPQ
04005B74 00000RST
04005B78 00000UVW
04005B7C 00000XYZ

O = .357 longarm accuracy

P = 357 longarm rate of fire

Q = 357 longarm reload speed

R = twin-barrel shot density

S = twin-barrel rate of fire

T = twin-barrel reload time

U = johnnygun accuracy

V = johnnygun rate of fire

W = johnnygun magazine size

X = 3rd attribute of 4th weapon

Y = 2nt attribute of 4th weapon

Z = 1st attribute of 4th weapon

0 = no upgrades

1 = level 1 upgrade

2 = level 2 upgrade

all 3 values of a specific gun = 00F = let the game decide
this code modifies the cosmetic effects (the look of) of the guns not the actual performance effects of the upgrades I made this code because I was annoyed that the gun upgrades made them go from looking like fitting western style guns to futuristic looking lazer guns

    創作者 John Hsiao 的頭像
    John Hsiao


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