NBA 2K12 所有解鎖碼



2K Sports team Enter " 2ksports " as a code to unlock the 2K Sports team.

2K Sports China team Enter " 2kchina " as a code to unlock the 2K Sports China team.

NBA 2K development team Enter " nba2k " as a code to unlock the NBA 2K development team.

Visual Concepts team Enter " vcteam " as a code to unlock the Visual Concepts team.

Retro Air Jordan shoes Enter " 23 " as a code to unlock the Jordan Sneaker Collection.

Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform Enter " agsntrccai " as a code to unlock the Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform.

Cavaliers Cavfanatic uniform Enter " aifnaatccv " as a code to unlock the Cavaliers Cavfanatic uniform.

Hardwood Classics Nights uniforms Enter " wasshcicsl " as a code to unlock the Blazers, Cavaliers, Jazz, Magic, Raptors, Timberwolves, and Warriors Hardwood Classics Nights uniforms.

Hornets Mardi Gras uniform Enter " asrdirmga " as a code to unlock the Hornets Mardi Gras uniform.

Secondary road uniforms Enter " eydonscar " as a code to unlock the Grizzlies, Hawks, Mavericks, and Rockets secondary road uniforms.

St. Patrick's Day uniforms Enter " riiasgerh " as a code to unlock the Bulls, Celtics, Knicks, and Raptors St. Patrick's Day uniforms.

Trailblazers "Rip City" uniform Enter " ycprtii " as a code to unlock the Trailblazers "Rip City" uniform.

ABA ball Enter " payrespect " as a code to unlock the ABA ball.
NBA 2K12 隱藏球隊解鎖碼

解鎖碼 解鎖內容 中文對照
2ksports Unlock the 2K Sports team 解鎖2K體育隊
2kchina Unlock the 2K China team 解鎖2K 中國隊
payrespect Unlock the ABA Ball 解鎖ABA球
vcteam Unlock the VC team 解鎖VC隊(2K視覺工作室)
NBA 2K12 中國女籃兒童球隊隱藏代碼全表
英文版:Enter the "Features" menu. Select "Extras", then "Codes". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

中文版: 在菜單------特色區------其他-----輸入代碼就可以

代碼- 名稱

payrespect - ABA ball

23 - Retro Air Jordans

2kchina - 2K China team

2ksports - 2K Sports team

nba2k - NBA 2K development team

vcteam - VC team


agsntrccai - Bobcats NASCAR Racing uniform

aifnaatccv - Cavs Cavfanatic uniform

wasshcicsl - Hardwood Classics uniforms for Cavaliers, Jazz, Magic, Raptors, Timberwolves, Trail Blazers, Warriors

asrdirmga - Hornets Mardi Gras uniform

eydonscar - Secondary road uniforms for Grizzlies, Hawks, Mavs and Rockets

riiasgerh - St Patrick's Day uniforms for Bulls, Celtics, Knicks and Raptors

ycprtii - Trail Blazers Rip City uniform
    創作者 John Hsiao 的頭像
    John Hsiao


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